VSN - Yippee, your favorite most interesting topic is here. Payment processing. Ok, dullness aside, you know payment processing is essential, challenging, and really close to the hearts of your conversions maestros and CFOs alike. You want to make money, you'd better make sure you have your tech dialed in for accepting payments. Paul Larsen has been banging away for years helping dating and online social communities (among other) industries squeeze out more efficiencies, and not get nailed by the banks. I interviewed him back in, Oh God!, 2011. Yes, definitely time for an update.
Love, Technology, Relationships (LTR) is on Wed 6th April starting 12 noon EST (New York time). For this monthly online event Paul will give tips on payment processing for dating & social communities. We have a half-hour of networking on virtual tables, then 50 minutes conference time then another short networking session with your peers, leaders of dating, and online social communities. 1.5 hours all-in.
If you hold a full-time leadership role at an Internet dating company then you are welcome to join OSCA for free and welcome to join LTR events for free.
See the LTR Edition 15 speakers and invite page here. Email [email protected] to RSVP.
This LTR is kindly sponsored by RealMe, vPaaS by Meet Group, FaceTec, OneRep, and Courtland Brooks